Research to Practice

We strive to bring research to practice.

Our mission is to bring together relevant research in the Learning Sciences and the latest technology to develop high-impact games that can help every student learn.

A component in our game, ProblemScape, called the Teachpad, is rooted in research that shows students put more effort into learning when they know they have to teach someone else, and the act of teaching and watching their students use what they teach, results in a deeper understanding as well.

A video in the game that explains why ‘=’ is a ‘relationship operator’ and not just an operational sign, is rooted in research that indicates one of the biggest problems for students learning Algebra is internalizing the idea of the equal symbol as a relational sign instead of an operational sign.

Review components and challenge mini-games distributed throughout in ProblemScape are rooted in Cognitive Science research that indicates spaced retrieval and appropriate difficulty can strengthen long term memory.

In these blogs, my goal is to share the research we do just in case someone somewhere will find it useful in their own practice.

Research to Practice